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The following message was sent to Missouri Prison Reform from a resident in Algoa Correctional Center. 

I was just transferred to Algoa Correctional Center in Jefferson City, next to Jefferson City Correctional Center, and I have been here before in other years. I’m writing you because I have been at this facility for over 4 weeks and have been subjected to the likes of black mold within areas of constant water usage,(i.e.: showers, bathrooms, water fountains, etc.) and other unidentifiable substances that aren’t just there because inmates do not clean. This facility has pockets full of brown recluse sacs that are hanging from the ceilings, most being hatched already…..the staff give us minimum cleaning supplies and what cleaning supplies given to us are already diluted down to almost no use but for surface germs. This facility was built almost 100 years ago(?) give a little more or less, and was built for the usage to house CHILDREN……and we inmates are crowded in areas that are meant for children…..thus being forced to touch the dirty and filthy in here. I do not contact you all for anything unless i have someone who wants to be added to your monthly newsletter……but this is ludicrous on how we are subjected to this incomprehensible and appalling state of living……this is a FILTHY place and it effects not only my health but the health of others! I am getting an I.R.R. from the casemanager first thing in the morning for this very specific reason I’m typing to you about and will file it accordingly and appropriately. However, in the meantime I am asking for anyone I may get ahold of or if you have anyone that can add me to their JPAY account  (groups or people such as yourselves and more) to whom I can email and talk with. I will do my end, institutionally and by policy and procedure, but I would like to have someone or some place who can help advise me with how to proceed. I have mild Asperger’s disease, so it’s hard for me to connect with people in here because part of my autism disallows me to be sociable, and very shy and introverted when it comes to speaking on things with ANYONE, ESPECIALLY staff. But I am making the effort to finally reach out and try to make a difference. This facility is one of the nastiest places I’ve ever been to and I’ve been here many times before over the years…..and it gets dirtier and dirtier every time I arrive here. I also have polycystic kidney disease so I have to maintain my health as it is. Others are way worse than me and are still subjected to this FILTHY place!!!!!!!!! This is ILLEGAL! I have already been sentenced……

There is black mold around our toilets, showers, sinks……water fountains, and dirt and grime EVERYWHERE! There are windows with dirt and grime in every inch of them and there are places and bars that are never EVER wiped down, nor cleaned, (from what I’ve seen since being back) and the things that are given to us FOR us to use to clean are of maybe 35% – 45% effective in cleaning and sanitizing our living areas. I don’t know WHAT’S being done, because I have not checked, but I will do what I can. There’s not any room to do anything and move around without touching something that is very unsanitary. What do you suggest I do, or what could I do, (outside of the I.R.R. process), as far as helping me try to fix this in the ways that i may…..i  know that you all have a lot to do and deal with a lot of people, so if you cant respond, and don’t, i understand. take care of yourselves and thank you for all that you do! 


Submitted by,

B.R. Davis


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