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Tim Hartness…

By February 5, 2021One Comment

Anyone who’s contacted constituent services and gotten Tim Hartness to “help” them can tell you how little this man does. 

Remember this exchange from Chris Neiman? Well, the next day Chris asked if he and the family member could start over. He really appeared to make an attempt at trying to help. So the family member typed out a long email explaining the situation and letting Mr. Neiman know what questions she had exactly. Then today, instead of getting a response back from Mr. Neiman, she gets Tim Hartness…sorry, my autocorrect wanted to type “heartless”…silly. Good thing I caught that. 

Tim, would it kill you to call the guy by his name? Instead of “offender”? This is her family member. 

One Comment

  • Yve Solbrekken says:

    It is good for family members of incarcerated loved ones to get together, to share information, to insist on being as informed as possible, and keeping an eye on what happens inside the prisons. It is critical that citizens have oversight on what is being done with their taxpayer money under the title “Law enforcement and protection of the public”. Our legislature and judicial system has lost sight – some have never understood the importance – that the main goal of incarceration and any and all sentencing should be three-fold: 1. To make all affected victims whole as much as possible, 2. to ensure criminals who are released back into the public have come to better mental health and been able to retrain their brains so that the public is safe with them around and they are as productive members of society as is possible, and 3. to not allow sentencing to be used as a tool to enable sociopathic or ignorant people to do harm to detained and incarcerated human beings.

    There are some folks in the DOC who understand and want this noble goal. There are some who don’t. And we need to know who is who.

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