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The following information was sent to Missouri Prison Reform from a current resident of a Missouri prison. Some edits made for clarity.


“This is information I would like for you to share with women out there in the Set Free Women org/club who have husbands or just male love ones who’s incarcerated.

There is no such thing as “sugar coating” any situation unless that person suffers from some of a learning disorder, because whenever you sugar coat something it becomes too sweet and misunderstood. For you women who have love ones incarcerated in one of these prisons there is no excuse for him not to better himself, and it does not take for him to get released to become mature because there are several programs that are available behind these walls that could help with establishing a positive future once released such as re-entry classes, G.E.D class, substance abuse ,ect….Once you’ve mentioned these opportunities to him once or maybe twice he should take heed, and you’ll be able to recognize from his conversation if he’d taken heed or not.

You women has come too far to allow anything to set you back. There was a time a woman could not buy nor own property, earn as much on 9-5 as a man, and now women are actually winning. I know it’s hard to let go of someone we truly love, but sometimes things must happen..”

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