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*This message was went to Missouri Prison Reform from a resident at Missouri Eastern Correctional Center.*


Hi! As pride month ends, Missouri Department of Corrections has failed again to protect Queer inmates. Pride month is suppose to be for Queer people to be celebrated with those like them. I don’t have other gays to be around. The moment I tell someone in this house that I’m gay, I just alienated myself in this housing unit. That is a fear that at some point will become a talking point in this unit. Which is housing unit number 4. For what ever reason, as a gay man, I’m not housed around the other gay people. Most Queers are in one housing unit. That’s housing unit number 1, however because of factors not known to me, I’m a Alpha. The only reason, I’ve been told I’m a Alpha is because of my violent crime and conduct in prison. Which is crazy, because their are Queers who have violent crimes that are in the Sigma house. As a inmate who has been raped, stabbed, and had his jaw broke. All because of his sexually that should mean something but it doesn’t. I try to do my best to educated myself on the policies of the MDOC, but nothing states your crime and conduct makes you a Alpha. As a black man who likes girls but prefer boys. I’m housed in a wing full of Queer hating inmates that don’t want to cell with me, because of my sexual orientation and that is cruel and unusual punishment. I wouldn’t have these issues if I was where I’m suppose to be. I’m very aware of who I am and I don’t belong in the housing unit design for non Queer people. My people are in housing unit number one. I want to be around my people, where I’m not judged the way I am here. I don’t like using race as a factor, but you can’t miss the obvious. That 80% of the inmates in one house are white males. Like they are the only gay people around. Just because I’m black doesn’t mean, I’m less gay. What I seek is to be housed with all the gay people and not be discriminated against, punished or treated differently, because I love differently. I plan to file a complaint with the ACLU over this issue, because this is so wrong and needs to be fixed. I want to be in Housing Unit 1 with the rest of the LGBTQ+ inmates..

Submitted by,

Charles Banks

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